
This is a great way to be introduced to the work and/or to continue regular exploration with shorter time commitments than workshops. Experiencing healing within a group is beneficial to all attending – the client, those asked to ‘represent’ any family members or issues, and even those simply present may feel shifts within themselves and their own family systems.

Groups range from 5 to 20 people. One constellation is held during a 2hr group event. Clients can register for a group session, where the session will be held for them. All others attending will have the opportunity to ‘represent’ in the constellation or witness the experience.

Open groups sessions are also held in which we allow the moment to decide who we focus the session on.

Mariko takes the time for each participating individual to set their personal intention for their experience at the beginning of the group session. Time and time again, when we reflect upon each person’s experience during the group session at the end we become aware how each individual has been gifted the experience she/he set their intention for. The gift of healing truly reaches everyone present in a group session and expands out to their families as well.




Constellations are powerful tools. Usually one or two constellations are sufficient to shift a pattern and heal a family system. My intention is to help people step into their power within less than five sessions.

Participating in group sessions on a regular basis is a way to gently shift through patterns, by being exposed to the healing energies in the circle or by representing and experiencing and through that raising awareness and gaining understanding.

Tapping into the ‘field’ we can bring light to just about anything: healing illness, unblocking life’s passion, resolving issues for pets, reaching fulfilling work goals, moving through prosperity blocks, clearing inner struggles, and more.